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Glorify God...

Proverbs 19:20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.

Thought for the Day: Those That Listen, Learn

Reflection for the Day: Others Have The Capacity To Add Value

As we continue in life, we learn that those around us have the capacity to add value to our lives. As we listen attentively, we can learn from their experiences, both where they have made sound decisions as well as where mistakes were made. It is true that an intelligent person learns from their mistakes; it is also true a wise person learns from other’s mistakes.  Listen carefully; their is much to learn.

Though you have the joy of knowing that the Lord has been gracious to you, allowing you to learn much, there is yet more to acquire both in information and wisdom. As you carefully listen to the counsel of others, you will be positioning yourself to gain additional wisdom. Others, through their experiences, have learned what will bless you. Listen carefully, it will add value to your life.

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