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Seeing Is Believing

John 12:10-11 But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death; Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.

Thought for the Day: The Enemy Wants You To Doubt

Reflection for the Day: Seeing Is Believing

Jesus spent the Wednesday of Holy Week in Bethany. While he was there many of the Jews came not only to see him but also Lazarus, the one that was brought back from the dead. Witnessing what Jesus had done caused many to believe. Wanting to eliminate the evidence of the miracle, the chief priests sought to put Lazarus to death. They chose rather to deny than to believe.

As miracles are unfolded they are able to cause many to believe. This disappoints the enemy, who will seek to create doubt by suggesting either that it did not happen or it was simply a coincidence.

Do not allow your faith to be distracted. What God has done cannot be undone. Seeing is believing.

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