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God Is Always With Us

Luke 8:24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.

Thought for the Day: No Matter The Storm Jesus Is With You

Reflection for the Day: Calm Is Just A Word Away

Jesus, with his disciples, entered a ship to travel across the sea. As he slept, a great storm arose, filling the ship with water. His disciples fearing for their lives, woke Jesus. They believed they were about to perish. As he rose up and rebuked the wind, immediately there was a calm. No matter the storm, Jesus was with them.

In each of our lives we face storms, some much greater than others. There may be times that you begin to wonder if Jesus is with you. It is essential, at those times, that you remind yourself that he promised never to leave or forsake you. No matter how great the storm calm will soon appear.

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