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God Provides

Hebrews10:35-36 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

Thought for the Day: While You Are Waiting, Stay Confident, Victory Is Coming

Reflection for the Day: Faith And Obedience Are A Winning Combination

Challenges are a part of every saint's life. Those that are not only great, but do not end quickly, can impact one's faith. During those times, one's confidence must be guarded. The key is holding on while holding fast to one's faith and to remain obedient to God's Word. It is a combination that brings winning results.

Your faith will be challenged. There will be times in which victory is not easily seen. When they come do not accept defeat. When your confidence comes under attack, remind yourself of how God has delivered in the past. Remain assured that your faith, coupled with your obedience, will result in victory. It is a winning combination.

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