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I Will Call Upon The Lord

2 Kings 4:2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

Thought for the Day: You Have More Than You Realize

Reflection for the Day: Your Future Is Brighter Than You Thought

With the passing of her husband, the grieving wife approached Elisha for help. Her husband was a faithful servant of the Lord but now her and her two sons appeared destitute. When asked by the man of God what she had, she responded, she had nothing but one pot of oil. Elisha ignored her negativity and instructed her to go among her neighbors and borrow pots. He emphasized “not a few”. She and her sons obeyed. The Lord took that one pot of oil and filled all those that were borrowed. She had more than she realized.

You may feel that what you possess is inadequate to go forward. Left in your hands it may be, but as you place it over to the Lord miracles will take place. Hear the Spirit, obey, and anticipate a miracle. You possess more than you realize.

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