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Just Say Yes...

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

Psalm 119:18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

Thought for the Day: With A Prayerful Spirit Study God’s Word

Reflection for the Day: Wondrous Things Await You

The psalmist encourages us to spend time in God’s Word, with a prayerful spirit. He instructs us to begin with prayer, asking the Lord to open our eyes to the mysteries that are hidden within the Word. As we do, we can be assured that we will discover wonderful things.

The Bible is not to be read as other books. It is God’s Word, filled with gems that will prove to bless our lives. Start by asking God to open your eyes and be prepared to see the mysteries that are hidden in its pages. Wonderful things await you. 

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