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What does Your Prayer Life Look Like?

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.

Thought for the Day: Prayer Cannot Be An Afterthought, It Must Be A Scheduled Part Of Our Lives Reflection for the Day: Lack Of Prayer Results In Lack Of Power The scripture allows us to understand that prayer was a part of Peter's and John's schedule. Their ability to be used by the Lord was dependent on their consistent prayer life. A lack of prayer resulted in a lack of power.

Is your prayer time a part of your daily schedule or is it left to chance? It is prayer that brings you into the presence of God. It is where you are better able to hear His voice and it is the place where God's anointing is found. A consistent prayer life results in having the power of God in your life. Insist on a consistent prayer life, which will result with you possessing the power of God. Your effectiveness is dependent upon it.

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